Selling points
An easy and user friendly web-based tool for menuplanning and handeling of recipes. Easy catering orders and automatic invoicing.
Benefit for Fazer
An easy and user friendly web-based tool for menuplanning and handeling of recipes. Administrate order selection to facilitate easy ordering for clients and enable to view ordering history. Marketing channel: simple tool for clients with all the information needed about ingredients.
Pricing model
The pricing is set per restaurant and type of funktion. Futher functions can easely be added on.
Price for restaurant
According to the size of the restaurant.
Requirements for restaurant
Creating the menus, support for clients, maintaining logins for clients, managing the orders. Follow up costs and statistics.
Requirements for HQ
Fazer's administrator needs to create restaurant and logins to the system, support restaurants. Follow up costs and statistics.
Technical specifications
In use in Sweden.
Countries available
Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway.