SaaS based eCommerce service for selling and marketing products and services by using ZUPticket-coupons (us.pat.pend.). Html5, iOS, Android and WindowsPhone UI. Payment method: Debit Card, Credit Card.

Selling point

Easy, attractive realtime mobile selling and marketing tool. Fast and safe service with online reports and customer data on time. No infrastructure investment needed. 

Benefits for client

 Easily administrated and use mobile sales and marketing channel. Realtime sales and user reports. Html5, iOS, Android, Windows.

Benefits for guest

Available 24/7. Easy ordering and paying under 3 seconds via mobile phone. Safe online wallet and ordering history for the purchases (coupons). Coupons can be shared once by an e-mail.

Benefits for Fazer

Easily administrated mobile marketing and sales channel. Realtime sales and user reports. Html5, iOS, Android, Windows.

Pricing model

Fixed monthly fee + transaction fee

Requirements for restaurant

Create and maintain menus and products.

Requirements for HQ

No obligatory actions required. Controlling all restaurants and reports by the superuser is possible.

Requirements for client

No actions required

Countries available

No limitations.

Contact people

Eija Andström-Saarinen