Edenred mobile payment solution doesn’t require any separate devices or integration to the cash system. The client shows the payment from his mobile phone and the payment is checked in the Merchant portal either real time or at the end of the day.

Benefits for client

Some of our clients want to start using only mobile payments

Benefits for guest

Fast payment method along Ticket card

Benefits for Fazer

Same comission as cards and vouchers, but a bit cheaper option than cards, as there are no acquiring bank fees

Pricing model

Same comission as cards and vouchers, but a bit cheaper option than cards, as there are no acquiring bank fees

Requirements for restaurant

Register to Merchant portal and mobile payments are activated automatically

Requirements for HQ

It will be possible to use Edenred Chain Management function later in 2017 (Chain manager oversees all payments and settlements via one credentials)

Requirements for client

Edenred mobile payment is a free of charge payment option for Edenred lunch card clients

Countries available

Finland, more information from restaurant support