Follow the voucher settlement history • Check Edenred mobile payments at real time or at the end of the day • Order the new pick-up service for voucher settlements • Update your contact details in order new and current clients find you in Edenred mobile application and websites

Benefits for client

 The use of Edenred mobile payment.

Benefits for guest

The use of Edenred mobile payment.

Benefits for Fazer

Easy to manage everything related to Edenred payment methods

Pricing model


Price for restaurant


Requirements for restaurant

Create credentials with business ID and Edenred contract number (we recommend that each employee has their own credentials)

Requirements for HQ

It will be possible to use Edenred Chain Management function 2017 (Chain manager oversees chain restaurants via one credentials)

Requirements for client

Edenred mobile payment is a free of charge payment option for Edenred lunch card clients

Facts of the solution




Countries available
